Friday, September 30, 2011

Random Wants and Unwants

I entertain myself. But the internet helps.
Sexy dress. So cooooooool.
Even cooler fleece vest for two.

And now on the realz.
WANT YOU. I don't know what I would wear this with, but they look utterly cozy and they remind me of the little button shoes or button dresses from the Victorian or Renaissance era..... Halloween ideas. Shhh. Maybe I won't go as a terrorist this year, after all. I almost don't even want to post this because I'm so scared someone is going to steal it before I find exactly what I'm looking for.
My desire to have this outfit is far too intense to be healthy.

Confession: I fricking love weddings. Dang it! :( I shouldn't run from it. I used to do that thing when i was a little girl where I would sketch tons of wedding dresses and bridesmaids dresses and buy bridal magazines just to look at the dresses, flowers, ideas, etc. I don't do that anymore; I still like it. I don't know why I don't do it anymore. That kinda just made me sad actually. But anyway, I literally stumbled upon a picture of this dress and.... I fell in love. I did.
It's beautiful. You can't deny it, right?

I do NOT want this nasty looking hippo child. He disgusts me. Eww.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

..:Don't Leave:..

What do you want me to do? What can I do to make you happy?

I mess up, I guess. You yell. I close off. You threaten. I push away. From more than I want to. I get weird. This brings up things I'm not quite ready to deal with yet. What more do you want from me? What do I have to offer that I've held back? Lover vs. fighter. I am greatly outnumbered. Fighters and their riots. I am scared of hurting other people. I'm also scared of hurting myself. I'm scared of hurting anything that I care about. Things were so dandy and wonderful. I just want everyone to be happy. I'm supposed to act like I don't care, like it doesn't bother me. But it does.

Okay, pretend hard ass facade back up. Tough skin. Strong. You don't get to me. :(

"I should warn you when I'm not well, I can tell. Oh, there's nothing I can do to make this easier for you. You're gonna need to be patient with me. I'm this apple, this happening stone when I'm alone. Oh, but my blessings get so blurred at the sound of your words. I'm gonna need you to be patient with me. How can I warn you when my tongue turns to dust- like we've discussed. It doesn't mean that I don't care. It means I'm partially there. You're gonna need to be patient with me." - Wilco

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Do You Wanna?

I can't decide if I hate these pictures, like them somewhat or love them. This is the most confused I've ever been in my life.

So three things.

1) My password at work is either "jeangenie" or "jeangeanie"- both feel wrong right now for some reason. Also, the background on my computer is two very fat people wrestling in the early 1900's.

2) I wondered if anyone else ever noticed the way skin lays on the back of old people's necks. It starts changing when people are like 50 something- it begins to look like little interwoven diamond shapes on the back of their necks. I saw the most beautifully preserved diamond neck today. It was lovely.... While on the subject, nothing grosses me out more than a bald person whose scalp looks like a brain. GROSS.

3) Lastly, I walked into work and was greeted by tons of bubble wrap in the hallway. TONS OF IT!!!! I squeezed one... but I keep thinking about going back. ;)

Oh and one more thing. Franz Ferdinand re-entered my life today. I will never again forget the chemistry we have.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Skipping class tonight for fear of failing a test on Thursday. More because I'm too ancy to sit down for three hours. You can only sit on your feet, cross your legs and sit Indian style so many different ways before everyone around you is about to join in on an emergency plot to delimb you.

So sweet. :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Squishy Squishy

Blogger is acting weird and not letting me post things like a color wheel (which is why earlier today's post seems absolutely boring and as if I have entered a deep depression. I promise I love my life! I just don't feel like it being defined by only black and white right now.) So, as a result, A SECOND POST is in order! I know all y'all are absolutely thrilled and ecstatic. Quit your whinin'. Eye candy never hurt anyone.
Yummy candy. Yummmm.
Want all of these articles of clothing separately. Not together necessarily though. Alexa Chung, you know me.
I am fascinated by these little guys! Oh! Hey y'all! :))))))) *embarrassing*
My boys. If Bowie and maybe Freddie somehow snuck their little crazy-toof faces in this picture, my life would be complete. Scratch Freddie. The other boys would get weird vibes. Bowie would be the only one absolutely ok with it and completely comfortable... And we all know that all I want is for the Beatles and Bobby to be comfy.

Disorganized Overthoughts

It's interesting to think that some children want to "fit in." I don't ever remember saying that. I imagine situations where the child has that one-on-one talk with a parent- where real feelings that they're embarrassed to say come out. Most of the time, I feel like a child would say, "I'm different than the other kids" or "I just want to fit in"- I've heard similar things to this before. I realize, however, that I never said that. I'm not sure if I just didn't care or if it was that I wanted to be different. When I think back to a particular example of this, I think of some kids night that my church had when I grew up. It was called Kidz Praz (I'm not sure why there were "z"'s instead of "s"'s, but I was always sort of offended and felt that they were insulting our intelligence by misspelling such a simple word.) Anyway, Kidz Praz was, more or less, a talent show so that the parents could have a night off from Bible study, film their perfect specimens of children and acquire fuel for the next year of making fun of each other's inferior spawn. I was ten years old. Everyone was quoting a psalm or playing their cheesy piano solo. I didn't want to do either of those things. I had written a song that I liked and I knew that my guy friends in the class played music, so I proposed that we put together A BAND!!! So while everyone else was quoting "Jesus wept," we were actually doing something great! We played in my friend's garage for years after that.

Another story. When we lived in St. Louis, my parents took my family to some grown-up's house for some big summer party. I remember they had a really cool... swingset? Playground? It was one of those wooden playgrounds that a semi-rich person might buy for their kids, I guess. Anyway, I didn't want to play on the playground- there were so many kids. So I went off to the side by myself and found a tree with a little bitty cut-off branch poking out the side. I also happened to find a large quantity of home-grown tomatoes, which I did not appreciate or realize the importance of, at the time. I just knew that I wanted to throw this red ball (that I knew I should probably hide that I had found) at my target- that little branch. So I started throwing the baby tomatoes at the branch.*

Sometimes I wonder, did I do the band in 4th grade, for example, because that's what I wanted to do or because I just wanted to be different, maybe to be recognized for breaking the mold? Did I go play by myself because it was genuinely fun at the time, or because I actually wanted someone to come talk to just me? Obviously these examples are dumb, but I feel that habits and thought processes start as a kid, and if one can look back to their thought processes in childhood, one can see more purely why they act the way they do. When you are a kid, you do things more because you wanted to do them and less because of what people will think about them. Even if you are doing something because you wanted people to see, I feel that as a child, you're more honest with yourself. It's somehow less embarrassing to admit as a kid that you did a cartwheel because you liked someone than it is to say that you wore a low cut top because you know he's a boob guy. ...Obviously I just made that up to use it as an example. Honestly! If I actually meant that, I wouldn't have said it. I would be too embarrassed to say that if it were actually true. See?!!!!! My point is proven, and I didn't even mean to prove it, at first! But anyway, sometimes I wonder things like this- like, why we do the things we do, at the nitty gritty. I feel like it's more than just.... "I wanted to!" This is what I love about human interaction- being able to tell what someone will do because you know them that well- this insight into what maybe they don't even realize. My thought processes can be annoyingly nitty-gritty, but I enjoy the insight I receive from them. I feel very in tune with myself, and others, really; I am depressingly honest. I don't put anything past me ever. But I also know that I give people the benefit of the doubt by not putting anything past them either. At a certain point, each wonderful thing they do is when they rise above the "human" things they could've done. You're naturally selfish; if you perform an action that is not selfish, it's because you tried to break that mold. Good for you. But why did you do it? I just need someone else to understand what goes through my head sometimes. It is so annoying how deep I can get into mine and others' heads, but it is a strength, I think. It's a weakness. It's why I never win arguments. It's empathy, I hope, and not creepy. If I have a spiritual gift, that is it. I enjoy knowing the "why" just as much as the "what."

I apologize for this being a novel. I wish I had more time to actually work this thought process out, but I believe that would be torturous to read in a few years. I'm just writing things that I already know. It just feels better to get them out of my own head and onto a piece of paper, or a screen, as it were. Thank you for your time.

*(In case anyone would like to finish this epic story. Cont.) Miss. Miss. Miss. Insert infamous church bully holding my nerd friend Nicholas upside down over the slide. Nicholas is crying like a baby (I hated and loved this kid). Bully and his bully brothers are laughing. Five-year-old Chelsea hears the cries of her companion and turns to meet his assailant's eyes. She lowers her head while a fierce, determined fire becomes alive behind her eyes. It has begun. Chelsea grabs the tomato. Chelsea yells, "Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeave Niiiiiiiiiiiiiichooooooolaaaaaaaaas alooooooooone!!!" in slow motion (and creepy, low, man voice) as the tomato leaves the tips of her fingers. The bully looks up- a slight tinge of fear is seen in him by all the onlookers for the first time. Victory already. Tomato still in slow motion. Chelsea stood as if recovering from a pitch toward home plate- watching with a menacing smirk to see the contact. Suddenly the tomato jolted into real time as the on-lookers were thrown back across the yard, shielding their eyes and ears from the sonic boom that had just occurred. I can still hear their screams. It looked kinda like thiyis.
Except with a tomato... The tomato had contact. Oh yes, it did. It smashed into the bully's chest, tomato juice and chunks spraying across the playground. It was as close to war as anyone could've imagined at that age. The bully lost control of Nicholas, letting him get away, and looked at Chelsea in utter disbelief, embarrassment and anger. Everyone laughed at the bully- a five-year-old girl had just stood up to him and embarrassed him in front of all of his friends. Justice had been served. Peace in the world. Chelsea was a hero for the day, at least in her own mind.**

**(The real end of this story. Cont.) After Nicholas had been saved, instead of his joining me in triumph, he ran off crying like a little wuss and left me alone with a busted tomato at the bully's feet. (Sidenote: I was also wearing brand new clothes that I had helped make and really liked. I was wearing light purple shorts that looked sort of like spandex? And a white t-shirt with little light purple, green, blue and pink shapes that me and my mom had "sponged" on. I distinctly remember a watering can shape being on there.) The embarrassment in his eyes soon turned to anger. I realized what he was going to do right before he did it, so I started running inside screaming, "MOM!!!!!" All of a sudden, defending someone didn't feel as respectable or even appreciated as it had ten seconds ago. I was close to the door when I felt the tomato hit my back. The shirt was ruined, and I don't really ever remember playing with Nicholas past that point. But I do remember the first time I stood up for someone and my first real fight. I was never ashamed of what I did, no matter how many times I was made fun of because of that instance. I felt like I had done something right. That's never not a good feeling.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Not So Tough. Found Out. Found Out.

Everything I have written and deleted in the past thirty minutes in this window is charged. It has slowly dwindled down to these few lines.

I really can't explain a thing; some people can get to you like no one else.

Please, please, please, can I get a hug?

Monday, September 19, 2011

So This is How It Feels

I wish I'd seen something this cool last night! I love looking for tornadoes when I. Know. They're Out There.

You know those times when you do something that is out of the ordinary for you? When you break character? It usually occurs after some curve ball, some sudden change in your life. It happens after it starts raining when you were wearing white or after you got involved in that unplanned fender bender. It could happen after something so small as the restaurant running out of chips when you were so looking forward to gorging yourself on salsa. How will you react?

Usually I am a very soft spoken person in times of conflict. I never defend myself; never think my justification is worth the fight I would have to put up to "win." And I will not put up a fight and lose. I am far too competitive to bow out. But unfortunately, even if it is worth the fight, I am the worst fighter I know. I am far too empathetic. I won't stand up for myself; I'm far more likely to say that I understand the other person's perspective than to say that they should understand mine. This is me on a typical day in my life.

However, today something was different. I got in a bind, in a disagreement so to speak, where I had to fight for what I wanted. Normally, I would step down or weigh out the options- "is fighting for this worth the reward? Do I want it that bad?" However, something about today was different. Something within me snapped. I did want it that bad and I would fight for it. I was firm and unafraid. I am not sure if this is an improvement for me or not; however, it was extremely nice to be able to be strong and stand up for me for once. It was as if it was a breakthrough moment where I was watching myself come of age or something. I felt proud and out of place all at once- but not scared. It was a good feeling.

And if this post seems utterly cheesy, please know that it is a school assignment I was required to do. Please, also know that it is referencing the teacher who made the assignment.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Nothing of Consequence #412095836

I'm starting to feel like I'm one of those animal lovers now. I just realized that I posted TWO things on Tumblr today (while bored at work and not studying) about animals.... But it only becomes a problem when you share things you found on animals to others because you think they're adorable, right? I don't. I just thought they were funny.
Weyell.... that's cute.

Also, my coworker keeps on talking about her friend "Sonti" on the phone. Heather, it's cool. We all know that you made that friend up. I mean, who names their kid Sonti?... Dummy. :) She does sound like a magical human though.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Down, Nostalgia!

I am down today. Very down.

All the songs I hear are reminders of when I didn't know to be sad. I tripped over a rolling chair. My coworker cussed out my boss. I'm out of cigarettes. I have to take a shower when I get home, when I really need to get to Starbucks to study so that I can be done by tonight.

I just want to be held. I want to draw words and pictures on my sisters back while we're supposed to be sleeping (she'll never guess this one). I want my dad to put me in pj's again cuz I fell asleep in the car. I want to take back the time that I got mad at him when he did this - when we both realized I was getting older. I want to ride home listening to the Beatles with my dad after church and take my tights off in the car, hanging my legs out of the window (because only daddy let me do that.) I want to plan to run away, but never wake up when I was supposed to. I want to chase lightning bugs. I don't want to grow old.

Hormone's are a horrible thing.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Spinal Tap


Now here's the deal. For real. There is no muscle soreness that I hate more than back soreness. When your legs or your abs are sore, you feel like you're doing something right. It's a "good sore." But your back/neck being sore?! Ugggghhhhhh. I want to shove some pressurized can into my back and let it explode so all the muscles and bones and ligaments will return to their normal position. Like a contained explosion. No shards or anything. Just the sudden burst of energy; that good pressure where everything goes back to normal after. I can see the knots in my back, and my neck appears to consist of three spines. I feel like Balloo, the Bear, leaning back in my chair all awkward-like. It's real cute.

I would also like to say that I just googled "eye injury images"..... No idea why I did that when I KNOW eyes gross me out to begin with. I think, as a rule, my subconscious mind is just as rebellious as my conscious mind. Except that it's much more sly and tries to rebel against my conscious mind even. They don't play the same side. They push each other and it seems no one ever really wins; although a lot gets done that wouldn't normally, so I suppose I'm still functional. Anywhays!!! There are certain things that shouldn't be allowed to be put online. Like when you search like "white daisy" or something and a bunch of porn comes up cuz the girl has like a daisy necklace on that says something risque like, "Pulling Petals" or "!!!!!f#$%iNg dAiSy WhOrE!!!!!"... or something..... I'm pretty sure no necklace has ever said either of those things... But I'm pretty sure I didn't make up either one of those sayings either. Like.... I've heard 'em before.... All of the time, people say that. Ya know?! Like..... :( Anyway, that happened to me as a little girl when I was looking up pictures of different flowers to try and find my favorite one. Awww, I feel so sorry for me. Google is scary. You never know what you're going to get.

Good golly, what a rabbit trail I am.

And finally, impressive, to say the least.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Oh and I realize this is the second post for the day. But just so y'all realize I AM. ACTUALLY. PSYCHIC... I woke up this morning having a feeling that my ex was having his baby today. And I just got another feeling, so I texted him asking if she'd had it yet... Because I trust my instincts that well.

And he said she's in labor.

I swear.

So odd...

Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging

Take this personality test. In business classes, we were always assigned this test to take. It's called the Briggs Myers Typology Test and there are 16 different types of personalities with it. Mine.... is spot on and 1% of the population. Yeah, I'm a weird arss. I took it two years ago and took it again today just to see if it was legitimate or not. I got the same exact classification, which was cool. Here's a synopsis of mine, minus all the negative parts. Ha

As an INFJ, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you take things in primarily via intuition. Your secondary mode is external, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them, or how they fit with your personal value system.

INFJs are gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive individuals. Artistic and creative, they live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities. Only one percent of the population has an INFJ Personality Type, making it the most rare of all the types.

INFJs place great importance on havings things orderly and systematic in their outer world. They put a lot of energy into identifying the best system for getting things done, and constantly define and re-define the priorities in their lives. On the other hand, INFJs operate within themselves on an intuitive basis which is entirely spontaneous. They know things intuitively, without being able to pinpoint why, and without detailed knowledge of the subject at hand. They are usually right, and they usually know it. Consequently, INFJs put a tremendous amount of faith into their instincts and intuitions. This is something of a conflict between the inner and outer worlds, and may result in the INFJ not being as organized as other Judging types tend to be. Or we may see some signs of disarray in an otherwise orderly tendency, such as a consistently messy desk.

INFJs have uncanny insight into people and situations. They get "feelings" about things and intuitively understand them. As an extreme example, some INFJs report experiences of a psychic nature, such as getting strong feelings about there being a problem with a loved one, and discovering later that they were in a car accident. This is the sort of thing that other types may scorn and scoff at, and the INFJ themself does not really understand their intuition at a level which can be verbalized. Consequently, most INFJs are protective of their inner selves, sharing only what they choose to share when they choose to share it. They are deep, complex individuals, who are quite private and typically difficult to understand. INFJs hold back part of themselves, and can be secretive.

But the INFJ is as genuinely warm as they are complex. INFJs hold a special place in the heart of people who they are close to, who are able to see their special gifts and depth of caring. INFJs are concerned for people's feelings, and try to be gentle to avoid hurting anyone. They are very sensitive to conflict, and cannot tolerate it very well. Situations which are charged with conflict may drive the normally peaceful INFJ into a state of agitation or charged anger. They may tend to internalize conflict into their bodies, and experience health problems when under a lot of stress...

INFJs are conscientious and value-driven. INFJs tend to be sensitive, quiet leaders with a great depth of personality. They are intricately and deeply woven, mysterious, and highly complex, sometimes puzzling even to themselves. They have an orderly view toward the world, but are internally arranged in a complex way that only they can understand. Abstract in communicating, they live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities. With a natural affinity for art, INFJs tend to be creative and easily inspired. Yet they may also do well in the sciences, aided by their intuition.

Blah, blah, blah. Somebody gets it; I feel like me and the computer screen just bonded. It also told me that one of my suggested careers was musician or artist, which you know. I'd be totally fine with.