Sunday, December 2, 2012
Christmas Wishes
I'd also like to enjoy a real live Christmas tree. One that smells and will burst into flames when we decide we're done with it. I've really never had a real Christmas tree. Or a fire in the fireplace more than once a year, for that matter. I'd like it.
I'm so glad that I have a brother to make me realize what little boys are like. What a blessing he is in my life.
I'm good. I'm fine.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
This is an old.... something... I wrote a long time ago. I found it today and decided to post it. It's funny how the objects of your dreams change over time. But it's always the same feeling, no matter who the object is.
Something that you imagine.
Something that only you see.
It’s safe.
But in the same way, no one can rescue you.
You are alone to whatever world your mind wants to create for you.
It is solely you and whomever you imagine.
Whomever your mind wants to bring into its safe place.
If you dream of someone, were you thinking of them before?
Most likely.
What about the people that you haven’t met before in your dreams?
The “strangers” that you have in your mind that you are somehow comfortable with.
As if they’ve always been there.
Your mind creates these people.
These things.
Sometimes beautiful things, sometimes horrible.
But what about the guardians of those dreams?
The ones that are always there.
The ones that you always know will be in that safe place.
Your sister, your uncle, your friend, your lover.
… Your lover.
Your first love.
He won’t leave me alone and I hate it.
That he always is there.
And every day I remember him, because I just saw him- last night. In my dream.
But I greet him every time.
I love seeing him in the dream.
It’s always like it was.
We lay on a couch with a blanket.
He says the same things I grew to love.
We are friends.
And my heart is light.
And every morning, I wake up so happy…
The drop back to reality is sudden.
Not overcoming.
But sudden.
Back to normality.
Back to this.
This thing…
I don’t know which feeling is more extreme- the happiness, enthrallment, love. Or suddenly this bored feeling, almost as if there’s nothing to look forward to, to be completely honest.
But I miss him.
I can only hold him in one way. He only can be a part of my life in my own mind.
Call me insane. Tell me I “lost my marbles.”
I fall in love with the memories I create.
And it’s all I have.
And it feels like a tragedy.
Monday, October 1, 2012
I just want to be by myself for a little while.
I promise you couldn't hate me as much as I hate myself right now.
Believe me, I'd like to be a normal person too.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The Raincoat

I wore the coat that day and it was so sunny. I was probably shriveling ants all over the world with the reflection, but I remember it being the best day ever. I wonder if my mom knows what a big deal that was. She had retracted her desire to have me look respectable, like all the other kids sucking on their fingers and picking their nose. I just got to be me for a day, wearing my little rain coat.... I wish I still had that little raincoat....
If I ever have kids, I want to let them pick out their own clothes a large part of the time. Not always. But whenever they want to, I want to let them be exactly who they want to be. Not enough people in this world were raised that way. The amount of freedoms you give to a person who is in the business of discovering themselves can never be redone.
And now to put the mushiness to rest, here's a video of a giant pigeon.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Sense of Smell and Anything Unordinary
1. My sense of smell is far too strong for my own good. I attribute that to the deviated septum, which apparently is a one-way signal straight to my abnormally memory-infused gray matter. Such a burden. I shook someone's hand tonight and happened to scratch my face for some reason and smelled the person... Weeyurd. I couldn't decide whether to wash my hands five times to ensure the smell was gone or to just leave it be. I'm still deciding apparently. I remember certain people in my past having a particular smell, but I can never quite remember what it was. I wonder if I would recognize it and if all the emotions would come back with the smell. Smell is such a strong sense. It's a pity my nose is so Jewishly broken. Not that Jews have big noses...
2. I've been thinking about something lately. I thrive on looking forward to things, surprises, random happenings. Anything unordinary. Which drives me to get tattoos on Valentine's Day, get my nose pierced on a whim, and chop my hair off whenever I get too bored. I've always known this fact, but just gone along with it. But I've been thinking today about my past. The happiest I've admittedly been (that I remember) was when I was in a relationship. That's not to say that I don't like being by myself. For example, I ate Waffle House by myself just now and loved it (minus the onions that played hide and seek with me in my hashbrowns... I finally gave up). The first time I was happy, I was in a long-distance relationship. The human aside, I was going out of town every other weekend, experiencing "new" things nonstop. The second time I was happy, I had to keep quiet about everything. It was like some secret game I was playing. I haven't had a "normal" relationship in over five years. I haven't even really liked a normal human being that liked me back in a normal, mature way in over five years. And it makes me wonder how strong my drive actually is for something unordinary. I feel like I should settle down with some fat guy who works in a cubicle and plays golf for fun just to tame me... I think I would commit suicide. It's not that I'm unhappy now. Everything about my life is crazy and free to do whatever I want. I have no ties. There are things to look forward to. I would think that it is exactly what I want. But there are no goals. I'm already tired of the nose ring. I'm already tired of my short hair. I wish I'd buzzed it. I wish I'd kept it long. I wish I was a black girl with an afro for a day. The thing is, I can only create so many "unordinary" things for myself to experience. Eventually, I'm going to be old and there won't be much to look forward to. At this point, I feel that looking forward to things is the only reason that I keep going. Whenever I get down, I comfort myself with the fact that things "won't always be the way they are now" or that "you don't know what will happen next; maybe it will be what you've been waiting on!" The thing is, I'm starting to see that this could be a problem. Because I will eventually get tired of any human. And I'm starting to wonder why anyone hangs out with me in the first place; I know myself all too well--nothing surprises me much about even myself any more. And all outside situations are circumstantial. The bottom line is, I can only create so many things to look forward to. Eventually, I ought to realize that I'm setting myself up for disappointment if the things I look forward to don't pan out so well. In the same way, I'm setting myself for unavoidable disappointment if the things I look forward to do pan out well... Because I can only look forward to things for so long. Eventually, I'll get bored with the idea of always looking forward and not enjoying things while I'm in them. I dwell too much in the past and in the future. The present almost always looks boring. And if not now, wait... It will soon. I'm not trying to be depressing. Just noticing that I have some major flaws to work through. Does any of this make sense, or am I just thinking way too hard about myself? Am I being selfish to even think this much about this issue?
Dude. I need a good time. Real soon. A chill pill. A relaxation brownie. A turkey. A honeyed ham. A fresh bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios with bananas. Full circle. Get behind me, Satan.
Monday, July 23, 2012
New Landscapes
Friday, June 1, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Sank You, Sank You
I signed on just now with this sense of retreat, this shame, like I was returning to some familiar vice due to the horizon not turning out quite as intriguing as I thought it looked. However, I saw that I had nine views today. Some of you are in Russia and could be using a translator right now to read this post because it looks so interesting.... Actually, you probably know more languages than me and can speak better English than I can. (Sorry, little Russian friend, whoever you are! :) ) But just knowing that there are still people checking up on me--though I've been largely mute over the last two months--was encouraging for some odd reason. So thank you, so much. You made me feel like the retreat was welcome and that my absence was missed. You all are awesome, whoever you are. :)
Okay, enough gushy stuff. Honestly.
There is a point where one starts looking ridiculous, by the way. I don't know which braid was the one that just put it over the top, but uh.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
The Intermission
Monday, February 20, 2012
It Always Happens
Thursday, February 16, 2012
90's Brit Panty Party
Proofreading Rant
I appreciate mean people more than I do tattle tales and youngest children style personalities, especially in writing. Just shoot me straight. "I'm not sure that that piece is in a museum."
I'm just a peach today. You'd love it. ;)
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Work Alter Ego
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Valentine's and Roo 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
Top 5 Guhs
#1 is definitely Ms. Bambi Lynn-Northwood.
Ms. Alexa Chung. Awesome style, but she kind of annoys me. When I feel British, I dress like her. She wears the things closest to what has always been my style, but she's not very ballsy.
Ms. Erin Wasson. This girl, on the other hand.... The bad ass of all bad asses. Definitely best body out of all of these. When I feel really Americana American, I dress like her.
Ms. Freja Beha Erichsen. She's a lesbian, but I still adore her. I'm just more stand-offish with her because of it. You know how we have to be. I mean, I don't actually want her to ask me out.
Ms. Agnyss Deyn. The most adorable Doc Martin, color wheel of a human. I adore you.
Ok, enough weirdness. I may or may not have left my heater on way too much this past month. I’m just so cold all of the time. Whether it was $121.72 worth of cold, I’m not sure.
So.... I played the new song last night. It was like therapy in some way. I was sitting in a circle with my friends, and everyone was talking and hanging out. I asked for my friend’s guitar and then I just started playing the song, quietly, more to myself than anything. I didn’t expect to finish out the song. But I kept singing it. They stopped talking. I just played it and felt every note, every lyric. It felt like a pouring out of souls, a vulnerable admission, a complete honesty, a "not trying to put up a front" for a while. It’s so embarrassing... Leave me alone! Go away! No, please don’t leave. Let’s not talk about anything in specific--let's keep it light-hearted. Just hang out with me. Don’t hug me. Let’s just hang out. I’m not sure if they were even really listening, but it was so therapeutic for me. I decided I liked the song. I had a moment with it. And it was real.
Sooooooo anyway! On another note, I'm taking Toups to try his first bite of sushi tonight!
Oh, yeah!!! We, we so excited.
Friday, February 10, 2012
New House Pics

Thursday, February 9, 2012
The Extends
So there’s this potato soup guyssssss. You know, the kind with the bacon, cheese and green onions on top? Lawd have mercy. It’s so good. I’ve eaten it twice. I’ve also thrown up after eating it both times. I’m not sure if I’m allergic to something in it or maybe just… randomly threw up. However, I tried to decide today if it was worth possibly making myself sick just to be able to taste it. I decided it was; therefore, I have now tried it THRICE and am currently waiting patiently to be in the throes of dreadful, nauseous spasms.
Anyways, here comes the awkward part where I start posting a bunch of different pictures of squirrels I just found. No big deal.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Belly Buttons
It’s about time for garage sale, antique and flea market shopping… Reeeeeal(ly) soon. Especially since I'm signing on our HOUSE next week! Ahhhhh. Now is the time for creativity.
Also, there are three different types of belly buttons. The innie (the most common), the outie (the one with the most potential to look weeeeeird), and the flattie (the one everybody forgets about). Flatties are my favorite. Behold. THE BELLY BUTTON DIAGRAM!!!

There are really so few people with flatties that it’s almost intimidating when you meet one. "Oh, hi little guy!" They're practically viewed as a god in my eyes as soon as I find out--the person that is, not da button itself. It’s odd.
Friday, February 3, 2012
I'll Chew You Out! Only on paper though.

Thursday, February 2, 2012
:::A NEW HOME:::

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Things I Wish I'd Known

Vulnerable post...... Sigh. .....I want to be even half the woman that I thought I would be as a little girl. I want to respect myself. I think it’s a good thing that, as a rule, I’m very comfortable in my own skin. That I don’t put on a show for people. But somewhere along the way, I just started doing whatever I wanted to at the time and lazily thinking that it didn’t really matter. “Whatever I’m doing is just because it’s me and what I feel like doing at this second.” I admired my own care-freeness more than I did my innocence. By trying to never grow up and trying to hold onto my childlike sense of curiosity and excitement, I somehow lost the thing that is to be valued most about childhood. I’ll never be a saint, and I don’t want to be. But I do want to know that I can say no. That I can say yes. That it’s fine to feel conviction and to let yourself act on it.
I feel like one of those preachy people, I'm sorry. I’m very hard on myself. I make it sound like I’m this horrible person. Honestly, most of the things I do I don’t really see a problem with. I’ll always be more “out there,” daring and goofy than most girls are. I always was. But the thing that bothers me is that I feel like I have very little standards. There are a small handful of things I say no to. There’s nothing wrong with saying no. There’s nothing wrong with not doing something because you’re uncomfortable with it. There’s nothing wrong with not pleasing everyone. I feel like there's a point where you wake up and just think, "What do I stand for? Who am I? Am I proud of what I've become?" I feel like this is that moment. It's kind of embarrassing because I feel it pretty strongly.
I just want to be who I saw in me when I was little—who I hoped to be. I want to get back a bit to that girl. The girl that looked up to people. The girl that knew so little. The girl that cared.
Friday, January 27, 2012
I'll Sing "I've Got The World On a String" and Mean It