And so this will be a superficial post dedicated to items that are well over my budget, but that i can still look at. I am an expert window shopper.
Dresses that I want.
Dresses that I would like to have and rarely wear. When I'm famous, designers will send me sample dresses like this to wear when I attend ritsy parties; I'll sip champagne, hold my shoulders back and try to act interested in conversations regarding the "wonderful weather lately" and your mother's health and his "lovely" grandchildren--all in an accent that is trying so desperately to be untraceable and formal, but has the slightest trace of that of a Southern Belle--I will be simply charming. But I'll still jump in the fountain or go swimming on the way home.
Um, yummy. I think my desire for these clothes could be counted as lust.
Oh, so cute and obnoxious.
It is a NEED
And finally, random things that I have fallen in love with.
Me and this chair would snuggle so hard.
Cute neck'aces, one being for a normal person, one being for someone who always wants to be a color wheel. I will pretend like I am both of those people, for I would wear both necklaces with utmost pride.
Bright red beanie. I've been looking for one this whole year and haven't found it. :/
And so this concludes my girly post.
Also, I would like to add that girls are crazy people. Despite my being usually very successful at resisting "crazy girl" thoughts, every once in a while I catch myself starting to think those thoughts--the thoughts that girls feel are inherently ingenious at the time, but then realize (usually thanks to a good conscience, hormones other than estrogen or a kind-hearted man in their life) that they are completely illogical and the reasoning cannot be explained or even understood, except possibly by other crazy girls. Inevitably, the girl suffers the most from these crazy person thoughts because she still doesn't get what she wants (because she failed to communicate what she wanted, but instead insisted upon coldly acting like she didn't care so that maybe "that someone" will "reap the consequences" or something--maybe they will tearfully apologize for their insolence and beg her to do what she wanted in the first place until... "Ok, I guess I'll do it." *pout angry face.... I want to slap every girl in the world right now just thinking about it. Haha) and she is frustrated that no one understood that absolutely baffling logic. Oh, no. I know. It's crazy. It is a GREAT thing to be able to catch yourself BEFORE you start thinking this way. However, I cannot say that I don't feel the pull at times. It is a legitimate part of our genetic code, I believe--this "crazy."
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