Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Things that I cried to that I wasn't supposed to cry to:

- The Wonder Years
- Benji
- People eating*
- Classical soundtracks (preferably Streams or the Pearl Harbor soundtrack). It would always start out as an "I wonder if I can make myself cry if I listen to this" and ended up as an uncontrollable sob fest. It works, I guess. I am not a bad actress, I promise.
- Singing with my family.

*Me and my sister, Brooke, have this odd pity for people that are eating, particularly when they open their eyes really wide as they chew/swallow. I can't explain it. However, her husband is the most adorable, sad person to watch eat. My sister and I try not to make a big deal about it--so as to not embarrass him, of course-- but we exchange knowing, heartbroken glances toward each other and then usually text each other something like, "Poor thing! He's just trying to nourish himself! He's just doing what he can to stay alive." My family is extremely close, particularly me and Brooke, probably mostly due to our individual quirks and our mutual understanding of them.

Things that I laughed at that I wasn't supposed to laugh at:

- The Notebook
- Catcher in the Rye
- When people cry on the phone (I've been on both sides of this and either way is a horribly sad, awkward, embarrassing situation--no one should be laughing. I think that's why it's so hard not to...)

And finally, people that I wish I knew, but don't.


David Davis, the bad ass, scuffling while he be gettin his hair did.

I think I may have just fallen in love.

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