"...Children are bathed, fed, pampered—as if the mother is entering them into a prized pig competition. For instance, when jelly is on a child’s face, a mother will immediately jump up to remove it, licking her finger and frantically smudging it across the child’s face, as if the perfection of her specimen is of utmost value. Why doesn’t she leave it? There is nothing wrong with having something on a child’s face; however, every mother has this instinct to remove whatever it is immediately. I’ve never known a mother that has simply grown out of this. They grew out of the action because the child complained about it being embarrassing, but they never grew out of the instinct..."

Hot damn.... There is a reason why these are my top two gals--it is for their awesome styles and because they are my two favorite females to stalk and crush on. I realize that neither of these two pictures show their styles (which would be my justification in posting pictures of Bambi and Freja)..... I have no alibi. I'm sorry. I realize that the posting of these pictures was practically pointless. But they are just such beautiful, bad ass humans!
Reasons to be Thankful:
1) For the forthcoming unexpected Christmas bonus (oh, thank you by the way).
2) My getting on the ball and finishing my insomnia paper AND my creative nonfiction piece on my placement in my family.
3) The fact that I will be posting almost all of my essays on here within the next week or two so that I won't lose them at the end of the semester. (The fact that essays were written is more of the "to be thankful" than the fact that I will be posting them, but it's cool).
4) Fishtail braids.
5) Promises of Wurlitzers (pretend like it won't happen, pretend like it won't happen).
6) Um, Fridays?! And Friday shows?! Yeah?!!!!
Oh, and this is a picture of me and my sisters when we met Justin Bieber. Justin told us not to cry, so we tried our hardest.
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