Well, I'm taking a night to myself. I realized that I'm exhausting myself trying to be/hang out with everyone at once. I need some me time- I love going out to eat, seeing a movie, or exploring by myself and I literally haven't done any of those things in months. So tonight, I am having a "me night." Here is the list of things I have come up with to do.
To Do List for Today:
- Buy some nails, tacks and frames to hang up all my paintings in my house that are STILL NOT UP!!!
- Straighten and CLEAN my house while listening to some myrusic of choice- I'm feeling Mika, Coldplay, Fun and some cheesy radio music like the Black Eyed Peas tonight.
- Hang all those amazing paintings.
- Make/devour Mac 'N Cheese, go see a movie, eat out, whatever I feel like.
- Plan what I want to do with the picture Collage*
- Play some guitar/accordian and/or paint/draw
- And then maybe do a bunch of girly stuff like, ya know, paint my nails, wear crazy makeup and clothes and take pics, fall asleep to a Netflix movie with a pint of ice cream and milk beside me. Ya know, the things that I make fun of girls for doing, but I still love and never do often enough.
* I have tons of small paintings/pictures by artists that I found on my Tumblr. I'm trying to figure out where I would like to put all of these up. I've been thinking about a wall collage, where they are all framed and placed "mis-matchedly" on the wall. I'm also thinking about putting them on hemp strings and hanging them from my kitchen ceiling, as it has a spot for an idea like this. Or some cheesy banner or something. Hrmmmm.
You're welcome. ;)
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