Tuesday, July 26, 2011

These Are a Few of My Favorite (and Least Favorite) Things

(Girl) - "...Usually when things has gone this far
People tend to disappear
No one will surprise me unless you do"

(Boy) - "I can tell there's something goin' on
Hours seems to disappear
Everyone is leaving I'm still with you..."
- Young Folks by Peter Bjorn and Jon

A few things I like:
- The smell of Sharpies
- Street smart people.

A few things I hate:
- The smell of freshly cut grass
- Stubbing my toe (makes me more legitimately angry than any human can make me)

A few things that scare me:
- Bees. Absolutely terrified. It's out of hand.
- The Grimlins & Chucky.

A few things that make me laugh:
- AFV is always embarrassing to watch with anyone else in the room, due to the intensity of my laughter during the show. I used to go up to Starbucks and just watch 10 minute videos of all the clips from a single episode condensed. I've seen over 100; my friends started telling me to stop looking at them. I know addiction to pills is bad for you, but they DO say laughter is the best medicine!..... Oh, Lordy.* And that joke didn't even really work either.**
- Whoopie cushions/potty humor/slap stick humor - I'm just a big child

**embarrassing 2x

The attorney that I work for was born today some odd years ago. I brought a Cinnamon Sock-It-To-Me cake and sent out a laughable mass e-mail something like, "Join us in DP for some cake to celebrate the wonder of _____’s life!".... I'm pretty sure that's not what the e-mail said. But the truth is.... I have a serious problem with mass serving- with eating in front of people, making people's plates, etc. I really hate having to perform any public action dealing with food where attention could be called to myself.... I realize that makes me kinda crazy. But then again, I don't really see it as something worth working on changing- I'd be fine never serving cake for the rest of my life. I'm a total pro at making drinks for people, so it works out.*

*Sarcasm. I mean, I'd like to think I can make a good drink, but really I'm just making fun of myself for talking about so much dumb stuff, when I could be talking about like world peace or AIDS... I'm so serious all of the time. And yes, it IS hard being me.

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