Thursday, July 28, 2011
Air Instruments
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The Hand We’ve Been Dealt

Hey, you, remember those nights?
Well I do, but you said the time wasn’t right
Well, tell me, when will you start fighting for you?
They say that you never know
What you’ve got til it’s already gone
But you were the man to fold your winning hand.
And you’re probably right like always
Damn if your weakness ain’t precise
Despite how we’re feeling, it’s for the greater good- you would
Even you leave me admirably
I beg and plead, but you don’t make a sound
If you feel this I feel, why must you make me doubt?
If steady wins the race, I should’ve lost to you by now
But I don’t ask you to stay, you don’t ask me to go
I can’t help but hope that this is taking it slow
I hope that you lie
I hope you think of me too all of the time
If you won’t want me, can’t you hurt me?
Can’t you at least say “I hate you too”?
Must you make me admire you?
I could only hope for someone like you
Just like you… You.
Why do you leave me so lovingly?
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
These Are a Few of My Favorite (and Least Favorite) Things
Monday, July 25, 2011
The Poker Man

Ooooooh, this song is going to be good.....
"They say that you never know what you've got til it's already gone
But you're just the man to fold the winning hand...
I beg and I plead, but to no avail
So I deny everything, then I scream 'cuz I want you to yell
If steady won the race, I should've lost to you by now.
But I don't ask you to stay, you don't ask me to go.
I can't help but hope that this is 'taking it slow'
I hope that you lie.
I hope you still think of me too all of the time."
Hope you don't give me away.
Friday, July 22, 2011
X&Y - Random Complaints
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Woman Like Me
Monday, July 18, 2011
Over the past two years, I have had a great many heartbreaking experiences happen. I've reeled emotionally, and the only way that I could get that to stop was to not think about it. Any time I thought something that would cause me to get involved past a certain point, either emotionally or mentally, I would shut that thought process off. Not think about it. I think it's best for me at this point to go on and get something I've been thinking about out of my system. Keep in mind that this is TOTALLY out of my comfort zone and completely uncomfortable and vulnerable for me. But also, this blog was a journal before anyone used to read it. This is more for me than entertainment purposes. I've always had to write out my frustrations and thoughts versus speaking them.
Sometimes I try to act like things are not a big deal to me, and they're not sometimes! But deep down, I'm still a girl. Deep down, I'm still a hopeless romantic. Deep down, I still want to feel what I imagined as a little girl. So here is what I have written.
Everyone's growing up. Finding love. Getting married. Having babies. Sometimes those last two or three are reversed. Sometimes the first happens because the last did. And the weirdest part of it is that, at the same time that it feels as if this age is too young for all of that to happen, it also feels.... quite normal. It is so sad and beautiful to watch. Makes me feel like I missed something I was supposed to learn- like what to say when you love someone, or how to love someone, how to treat him like a man. How to be a lady. While I was supposed to be learning to clean and cook, I was writing words down and hiding in the woods, playing orphans and Nazi's, playing Indians. And I wouldn't trade any of it. I wish..... I don't know what I want. But I watch the earth and I try to learn something. I just want to sit down, soak in everything, really enjoy the view. It's not the "being forgotten" that scares me as much as that I may wake up one day, old and gray, and realize that I really did want all of those things I saw happen all around me - love, children, my own stove, a teammate, heart surges and goosebumps, pictures of my own family on my dresser, a love holding my hand, little feet that look like both mine and my best friend's. I'm afraid that in my pursuit for really experiencing life itself and seeing the beauty in the world, I will suddenly wake up and realize that..... I missed my chance. I'm not brave. I'm shy. Sometimes, I wish that someone would break through that wall I've built up. Because I'm not strong. Sometimes I would like to think that I was worth the fight. And that you didn't regret it. That I was worth spending time with and really getting to know. I both love and despise the girl that I am - the girl that is best friends with guys, hates girls, turns everything into a competition, etc. I enjoy all of these things (some of which are regrettable, I admit), but also, I want to believe that you still think that I'm small, that I'm still something to be protected and loved, not just the girl that skinnydips or likes to take turns driving on roadtrips. Sometimes I just want you to say that it's something worth trying- that you noticed me when I wasn't forward, that you noticed me even though I was shy and found it hard to open up. These past few years for me have been something I would never wish on anyone, but I haven't given up hope. You could still be out there. Maybe someday you'll say something, and it will be perfect. .... Maybe so....
Friday, July 15, 2011
Embarrassing Confessions
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Albert Pike
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Me Night

- Buy some nails, tacks and frames to hang up all my paintings in my house that are STILL NOT UP!!!
- Straighten and CLEAN my house while listening to some myrusic of choice- I'm feeling Mika, Coldplay, Fun and some cheesy radio music like the Black Eyed Peas tonight.
- Hang all those amazing paintings.
- Make/devour Mac 'N Cheese, go see a movie, eat out, whatever I feel like.
- Plan what I want to do with the picture Collage*
- Play some guitar/accordian and/or paint/draw
- And then maybe do a bunch of girly stuff like, ya know, paint my nails, wear crazy makeup and clothes and take pics, fall asleep to a Netflix movie with a pint of ice cream and milk beside me. Ya know, the things that I make fun of girls for doing, but I still love and never do often enough.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Toilet Naps

Friday, July 8, 2011
Baby Elephant - BIOTCH - Dumbo
So, I've been looking up pictures of baby elephants all day today, no big deal. What of it?
Today, I have had an overwhelming desire to be a smart-ass. I got in the elevator at work well aware that there was someone walking up.... I just let the door close. I laughed to myself that the person was probably slightly upset. I'm really helping whoever was out there walking up- they should learn that not everyone is nice. The world is a hard place... ;) Someone also walked up to me while I was smoking outside today and said, "You know those will stunt your growth! Haha" I replied, "Haha... I'm not twelve." But I waited to say it until he could probably barely hear me. Rawr.
Oh, and SINCE we were on the subject of elephants!!!!! Dumbo, 101 Dalmations and Benji were my favorite childhood movies. Dumbo was on my top three because of this scene - Pink Elephants!
What an odd child to like that part the best of any movie - I'm surprised that my mom even allowed me to watch that part, considering her protective nature and the trippiness of the scene. For example, we were not allowed to watch Alice in Wonderland. Just TOOO MUCH IMAGINATION!!! But I'm glad that I liked that part as a kid, because it's still one of my favorite parts of a Disney movie. I know it backwards and forwards - even the slightest of little sounds in it. :) It reminds me of being a kid.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
So Dysfunctional

It doesn't matter if I like someone a lot, I mess it up. At the start, I naturally get embarrassed for some reason and end up ignoring them. I'll make sure I'm still present when they're around (Haha ;)), but I almost refuse to look at them when they're in the same room as me. Honestly, that rule is so tried and true with me that if there is ever a person in the same room as me that I am sitting by and hanging out with but rarely look at or have one-on-one conversation with, you can be assured that I have a thing for them. Haha WHY DO I DO THIS?!!!! And then after a while of this, they try extra hard to get my attention because they think I'm one of the "untouchables" (competitive human mindset - we want what we can't have) and then..... I think they're doing that because they like me! So all this pent up "like" comes into play and I end up doing things that I wouldn't normally do- things that I'm not sure if I'm okay with or not. But then, to the guy, it just looks like the minute they pursued me, I threw myself at them, when that is not the case. I most likely have been timidly tip-toeing around them for a while and making sure that I liked them, and then just got over-excited at the thought of them liking me back.
Why doesn't anyone write songs about being scare of love and how dysfunctional we can get? Or am I the only one? :(
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Life As Of Now
I feel like a little girl. I feel nothing like a 22 year old woman that's supposed to be in control of her emotions or her self. Nope. I feel just like a small child that is so excited, they don't even want to go to sleep. It's fun. :) But quite possibly a bad idea.
On another note, I found roughly 30 cds that I thought I had lost in my move back to Shreveport. I don't think I've been that excited in probably years. That sounds like a joke, but literally, it was kinda embarrassing. Haha I found a YES, Raconteurs, Beck, Circa Survive, Fionn Regan, Frannk Sinatra, Spoon and Sloan album, just to name a few. It was all albums I haven't been able to listen to in over a year. It feels like a reunion.
Also, I practiced with my new band for the first time on Sunday, and we're practicing again tonight. It's so nice to be able to play piano again. I've missed it a lot; I got rusty. :/ But I'm really enjoying it, and I think the piano parts have a lot of potential because the songs are already great. I just need to pick out some fun parts. :)
Friday, July 1, 2011
Dr. Phil Moment with the Keyboard
It's funny how a fast a dynamic can change; and suddenly there's no going back to what it was. Hard times show who people really are - yourself and others. And unfortunately, all of us are flawed and usually not very pretty at heart.