I wish I could switch off thoughts sometimes.
It's such a horrible thing to feel as if you're not "100% all there" really anywhere. Doing anything. It's equally as hard when everyone else can tell you're not "100% all there" too.
I had a hard time multitasking as a kid. My family can attest to this. This Thanksgiving, actually, my sister was laughing and poking fun at me about how I couldn't dry dishes and talk at the same time. I would end up holding a dish for however long it took me to finish my thought. As a kid, I always wanted to get better at this. It annoyed me that I couldn't focus on everything at once. My mom told me a trick that she used to use when she was little--it was to sort of make a mental "to do" list in my head that I could repeat to myself to keep me on track. "Wash this plate, then put it up. Wash this plate, then put it up..." It worked! Unfortunately, I can't turn that voice off now. All I've heard for the past two weeks, whether I'm sleeping, showering, talking or driving, is "Do this research paper, pay this bill, write this term paper, make study guides, study those study guides, write other larger paper, don't go insane, take these pills, drink this water, clean house, clean car, get oil changed, rotate tires, move couch upstairs..."
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I just pitched a small fit--I apologize.
It really is exhausting.
HOWEVER, there are still things to look forward to! Like a VO show tonight.
*Mom smile with raising eyebrows*
AND the fact that now BOTH sisters are coming to it! Which very well may be a first EVER! :)
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