I don't really believe in New Years resolutions. I'm no politician. Why does everyone feel like if they make a promise to someone else, they'll actually keep it? Debbie Downerrrrr. I apologize.
Ok, so on to nEw YeArS AtTeMpTs AnD eXpLaNaTiOnS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1) Attempt - Quit smoking. Explanation - It's making me poor and destroying my voice. Put this on the scales, young man - homeless, cancer, and loss of music... or ...extra money, health, and gaining my voice back (hopefully). Well, that's a hefty little one. I think I'll choose Option B. Oh, also, smoking is not 'cute', it makes you stinky, and jacks up your skin. Ok.
2) Attempt - Start working out. Explanation - There's just really no reason to not look your best, be healthy, and feel more confident. That's all from Jane Fonda. Thanks for listening.
3) Attempt - Start working on music. Explanation - Because I can. I have time and desire now. Laziness is the only thing in the way.
Song for the day: Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 by Bob Dylan
And from your faithful audience of 1...good attempts and even better explanations! Oh, and I love him, too.