Monday, October 10, 2011

Teacup Finger Singer

I'm waist deep in midterms, and all I really want is to throw up from so much Thanksgiving food... Smooth transition.

I had decided a couple of months ago that I want to start making soups for myself this fall/winter. They taste just as good warmed up, can stay fresh in the refrigerator for a while AND they're the perfect warm meal for the cold months. Henceforth, (this is what school does to me-- turns me into an old English orator) I looked up recipes today, but was sadly disappointed to find that all of them required kale (which looks like seaweed), cauliflower (which looks like a medical experiment gone wrong) or kuskus... kuuzkuuz?....kusskuss? Whatever. What if I am a normal person that doesn't have a farm in my back yard and go deep sea fishing for natural vitamin-enriched ingredients and garnishes? What if I don't even eat the garnishes in the first place? :( I just want, like, spicy potato soup and some Mexican bidness, o que? Is that so much to ask?
I WANT ALL OF THESE SHOES!!! Mainly, the ones on the left. Button shoes! I found three pairs of incredible boots the other day. Well, really two pairs because one pair was too small, and the other pair was one shoe each from two different pairs. Aww, rats.
The most awesome book I've ever had the privilege of adding to my vast assortment of past reading materials -- Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sarimbo Cherry Berry Rippip Pip Perry Pembo.
And lastly, ooooooooo, girl!..... This picture reminds me of my what my mom looks like when she sings. There. I said it. The Mom Impression. She's got it. Oh baby. She's got it.

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