Now here's the deal. For real. There is no muscle soreness that I hate more than back soreness. When your legs or your abs are sore, you feel like you're doing something right. It's a "good sore." But your back/neck being sore?! Ugggghhhhhh. I want to shove some pressurized can into my back and let it explode so all the muscles and bones and ligaments will return to their normal position. Like a contained explosion. No shards or anything. Just the sudden burst of energy; that good pressure where everything goes back to normal after. I can see the knots in my back, and my neck appears to consist of three spines. I feel like Balloo, the Bear, leaning back in my chair all awkward-like. It's real cute.
I would also like to say that I just googled "eye injury images"..... No idea why I did that when I KNOW eyes gross me out to begin with. I think, as a rule, my subconscious mind is just as rebellious as my conscious mind. Except that it's much more sly and tries to rebel against my conscious mind even. They don't play the same side. They push each other and it seems no one ever really wins; although a lot gets done that wouldn't normally, so I suppose I'm still functional. Anywhays!!! There are certain things that shouldn't be allowed to be put online. Like when you search like "white daisy" or something and a bunch of porn comes up cuz the girl has like a daisy necklace on that says something risque like, "Pulling Petals" or "!!!!!f#$%iNg dAiSy WhOrE!!!!!"... or something..... I'm pretty sure no necklace has ever said either of those things... But I'm pretty sure I didn't make up either one of those sayings either. Like.... I've heard 'em before.... All of the time, people say that. Ya know?! Like..... :( Anyway, that happened to me as a little girl when I was looking up pictures of different flowers to try and find my favorite one. Awww, I feel so sorry for me. Google is scary. You never know what you're going to get.
Good golly, what a rabbit trail I am.
And finally, impressive, to say the least.
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