What an amazing day! Small exerpt:
1) I got chewed out by my boss today. However, I got to (quite respectfully, of course) tell him that he was wrong and it wasn't my fault. I was right, he was wrong. He has been an absolute angel since, and I walk with not only the knowledge that I am no longer in trouble, but also that.... I'm sure he was embarrassed. Hee hee. What a horrible person I am.
2) I signed on my lease today! I will be moving into a studio apartment by myself next Wednesday. It will be my first place I've ever lived all by myself. I get to decorate every thing exactly how I want it. I'm psyched. I will have this rug.

4) I am booking shows again FINALLY. I have a show March 14, 18, and 21. And on the 21st, which happens to be my birthday, I get to play a show with one of my all-time favorite musicians. His band name is Paleo and he is absolutely amazing - the modern day Bob Dylan. He had a project in which he wrote 365 songs in one year (recorded all of them, kept track of where he wrote them, etc.) and is one of the smartest, most genuinely awesome people I know of. I've listened to his music and kept up with him for the past two or three years, after hearing him on the college radio station in Shreveport. And now I get to play with him. This is literally a dream come true, as dumb as it sounds.

5) I got $50 worth of free money today. Yes, it was awesome.
Wow...this girl is genuinely and ecstatically excited for you! Good day :)