Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Perfectionism . Introversion . Exhaustion

If I do great things, and no one ever knows about them, am I still relevant? 

If I write great songs and play them alone in my house, can I really be an esteemed writer?

If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is there to hear it, does it still make a sound?  Does it still matter?

I guess these are all ridiculous questions asking the same idea.

Does success require extroversion?  Because it seems like in order to be appreciated or to be successful, you must publish your work and be striving for some type of attention, some recognition. 

Obviously the idea of being appreciated or respected is appealing to me.  However, the idea of publishing my work gives me anxiety. 

But why?

Is it the judgment or feedback on my work that scares me?  Or the accountability?  I think the thing that scares me the most is pressure, really.  If I do something good, than I have to do something better next time.  What is the point of being creative if you're a downward slope?

I think I've been waiting to be the best me before I publish anything or make it public.  Waiting to organize a grand thought.  I believe I am capable of great things.  But nothing feels great enough at the time.

Perhaps my perfectionism is holding me back from growth.  No doubt that it is, in reality.

So I would like to make a few goals for myself based on the things that I feel that are holding me back from being the best me.

Strengths/Weaknesses that are not entirely bad things, but ARE things that are holding me back:


(and the goals that are being birthed through this realization, as follows):

     -     I would like to start working every night on recording or writing.  If it's not perfect, it's okay!  I would like to work on demos of a full album with all of the instruments.  It doesn't have to be perfect.  But it DOES need to be done.

     -      I would like to start going to lunch with people.  I have found that my nights typically tend to be very busy as a single mother raising a wonderful child that I WANT to have my full attention when I'm with her, on top of maintaining a house and having quality me time.  In the past, I typically dedicate my lunch breaks to doing dishes and other household chores around the house or sleeping. However, when I'm NOT doing housework that NEEDS to get done and CAN'T be done at night, I would like to spend that time visiting with people and maintaining my ability to connect and care with friends.  Whether I crave this or not is not the issue--it is good for me to hear about other people's problems and to invest in other people's lives.  Not to mention, this kind of thing--interaction--is where inspiration is drawn from.  It is not pointless in any shape or fashion.

     -     I would like to start going to bed later and waking up earlier.  I know, I know.  Sounds counter-productive to curbing exhaustion.  HOWEVER, the fact of the matter is that when I go to sleep at 8p.m. and wake up at 6:45a.m., I am getting almost 11 HOURS OF SLEEP.  That is much too much. In fact, I am only supposed to be having between 7.5 and 8 hours of sleep a night.  SO.  New bedtime is 10:00 p.m. and new wake up time is 6:00 a.m.  That gives me my goal amount of sleep.  This also allows about 2.5 hours of time AFTER my daughter goes to sleep for me to play music and record, do dishes, clean, read, watch TV, have "me" time, etc.  And waking up at 6, gives me 30-45 minutes to do dishes or clean if I need to, and to do yoga and meditate BEFORE starting my day.  This will help with my exhaustion.  It will also most likely help with my perfectionism and introversion as well, as I will have time to meditate and think and have "me" time as a way to start my day off.

I am tired of taking my strengths/weaknesses and just assuming that they control how I act and what I will do and what I will create.

"Although of course you end up becoming yourself." - David Foster Wallace

I control what I do and how I act, and I am strong and more than the things I define myself by.  Those things are not limitations.  I control my future.

Who am I and what matters to me doesn't have to be a reflective question.  The future is now.  The future is beautiful, and if I work hard and makes goals, it's just the way I want it to be.

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