Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wake Up

young love 310.365 by m_bui
young love 310.365, a photo by m_bui on Flickr.

Doesn't it feel like life should be more than this? I don't ever want to die. I don't ever want to get old. We get a job so we can pay the bills, we pay the bills to keep our house, we pay for the house to have somewhere to live and we live to work. Caught. In. This. Cycle. Almost everyone I know is. You're tied up in it. Am I the only one that wants more? That wants to bust my ass and work nonstop so I can start fresh for myself- leave all of it? That wants to quit my job and move somewhere and sleep anywhere I can find? That wants to hold someone's hand just so you can really know them and feel some vulnerability, even if it be your own? That wants to walk everywhere and get there the fastest because I'm the only one that's actually moving. No one else thinks to take a step.

I don't want to settle.

Life is only what you make of it. And I refuse to wait on someone to make the first move. I've never looked respectfully on cowardice. I want to know that whatever I choose to do, I put absolutely everything I have into it. Wake up. It doesn't have to be boring.

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