Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Do You Know Jesus?"

Something odd happened today. I didn't go to work yesterday because I was upset about something. And today, I was talking to a close friend about that very same thing. My friend had to get off of the line all of a sudden and I was alone. But I was sitting on my usual ledge outside of my work building, on the "sunshine side"- where I sit every day on my lunch break and smoke a cigarette, read or people watch. (My life has become so ordinary and lame, but I love it. :)) And this middle-aged tiny black woman walked up to me with the oddest look in her eye. She had this peace to her, this sweetness. I've never seen her before, but I knew that she and I should talk for some reason. She told me I was pretty and she kept looking. I said thank you. She told me I had pretty hair. I said thank you. Then she leaned in and almost whispered.... "Do you know Jesus?"

I was very honest with her. I said I was confused on what I believed in at the moment, but that I know all about him. I told her that I was bitter at him. I told her about what I was upset about. We cried together. We hugged. She never talked about herself, but only about her Saviour. She was one of the most beautiful souls I've ever seen. She wouldn't give me her name, which was odd. But I have a feeling that God was looking out for both of us.

It was one of those moments where I am left being able to say nothing but "There HAS TO BE a God that cares SOOOO much about us." And I'm so thankful that people follow what He says. She encouraged me so much. It really was beautiful.

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