So today, I had to go up two flights of stairs in the stair well at my work. And me being the self-entertaining person I am, decided that if I was going to go up the stairs wearing heels, I would do so without ever bending my knees. Two flights of stairs is a LONG way to walk like that, and wearing heels makes this task even more daunting. I went up one flight and then heard somebody coming up the stairs behind me. I kept going as fast as I could (which I'm sure looked quite comical)... but then got embarrassed and stopped right before they could see me. Haha But I didn't do it. I didn't finish what I started. :( Kinda sad that I'm actually upset about it. Haha I don't know what that means.
A Mousefire/Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt show last summer at Dalzell. I miss this.
Person A - "I've got tickets to Wheel of Fortune!"
Person B - "Oh my god! You get to see Dick Carey!"
Person C - "No, we're talking about about Wheel of Fortune - the one with Alex Trebeck."
... Yeah, that literally happened this week.